"J.T. - It's Not Easy Doing Greene, Part 2"
By: Cathy and Melissa

When Carter got to work the next morning, he did his best to keep out of Mark's way.  If he saw Mark coming toward him, he would decide he needed to head in the other direction.  He couldn't do anything about avoiding him during traumas, but he was determined to keep from being alone in the same room with the man.  His feelings and thoughts from the night before had him confused and he didn't want to talk with Mark until he had those confusions under control.  Being with Mark had been one of the best times he had ever had, with a woman or a man.  With Mark, he had truly enjoyed the experience, unlike the way he felt after leaving most of his customers.  He had to keep reminding himself that it had just been a job, a one-night type of thing, and nothing more.  There was no reason to think anything more of the encounter.

Around mid-morning, Carter followed Chuny into the lounge for some much needed coffee.  They joked around a bit as she poured coffee for the both of them.

"Want some yogurt?" she asked as she opened the refrigerator.  "I know I have some in here somewhere."

"No thanks."  He sat down at the table, glad to have a chance to relax.  The last time he had seen Mark, he had been headed toward Exam Three, so he would be safe for a little while.

Mark knew that Carter had been avoiding him all morning.  But, there wasn't any way he could really order him to stay in a room and talk to him.  Hell, he didn't really want to talk anyway.  If he could get him alone in a room...Mark grinned as his thoughts took a decidedly wicked turn as he thought about the things he would do with Carter if they were alone.  Well, there were a lot of hours left in their shift, so he knew he would eventually get a chance to talk with him.  Mark walked into the lounge and his grin grew broader as he saw that Carter was sitting at the table.  After stealing a quick glance around, Mark said, "I had the best sex of my life last night.  I still can't even think straight this morning."

"Really?  Is she anyone I know?"  Carter's eyes widened in warning, and he flicked a glance toward the refrigerator.  Too late, Mark realized they weren't alone, and inwardly thanked God he hadn't been more explicit in his praise. 

Chuny closed the refrigerator door with a smirk.  "And here I thought I was the best ever, Mark." 

Still smiling, she left the lounge, and Mark knew his remark would be reported around the ER in minutes, and there would be heavy speculation about the identity of the other party.  Christ, if they only knew.

Carter got up from the table and went to his locker, pretending to look for something.  It was just a way to avoid having to look at Mark since he could no longer avoid talking with him.  His outburst with Chuny in the room had been a close call and Carter hoped Mark would be more circumspect with his comments.  You never knew when someone was going to come through those doors.

"Back to what I was saying, are you busy tonight?" Mark asked, inwardly grateful he hadn't gotten that question out before Chuny made her presence known.

"So you're saying you want to see J.T. again?"  Carter had to push down the thrill he felt at Mark's question.  The idea of being with Mark again was exciting to him.  Maybe too exciting, he thought as his cock began to harden.  He desperately began to think of non-sexual things, boring things.  Anything to get his body back under control.

"J.T.?  Yeah, I guess I am."  The Carter/J.T. duality was still confusing.

"Roger can set you up.  You still have his number, right?"  Carter said coolly.  With his attitude, they might have been discussing the weather, rather than when they'd have sex again.  "I'm working until late tonight, but you can check with him to see when J.T.'s free."  Carter closed his locker and left the lounge, with Mark deep in thought.  He didn't have to check J.T.'s schedule with Roger; he could check Carter's schedule at the desk. And, arrange his own to match.

Half an hour later, he had juggled his schedule for the next two weeks to match Carter's, and had booked all of J.T.'s free time.  Four nights, four hours each night, two hundred fifty an hour: four thousand dollars.  It was steep, but already he couldn't bear the thought of Carter leaving him to go to another guy.  He shook his head, wondering how he could be that far gone over Carter already.  After all, it wasn't as if they had just met.  He had known him for five, almost six years now.  Looking back though, he could admit that he had always had a soft spot in his heart for Carter.  It was way too easy to fall prey to those big brown eyes, especially when they were looking lost and confused.  It had been easy to take him by the hand and lead him through traumas.  To bask in the looks of admiration that Carter gave him every time he did that.

Mark tapped his pen on the schedule, wondering if he would be able to be patient until tomorrow night.  It seemed like such a long time.  Perhaps he could invite Carter over to his place after work today?  They could catch a baseball game on the television, drink some beer, order a pizza.  The Cubs were playing in California, so the game would be televised late.  Yeah, that wouldn't be a bad idea.  Watch the game together and get a chance to really talk.  It wasn't such a bad idea.  And, if he was lucky, he might be able to get Carter into his bed as well.  With a silly grin plastered on his face, Mark went in search of Carter to see if he had any plans for after work.

Carter knocked softly on the door to Mark's apartment, hoping that Mark wouldn't hear him.  Then he could go and be able to tell Mark with a straight face that he had come by, but that Mark had never answered the door.  Why had he accepted Mark's invitation to come by to watch the game?  This was his only free night in the week and he had planned to spend it alone at home, curled up in bed with a few medical journals.  But, Mark had asked, and he had found himself agreeing to come by.  He had often been invited over to Mark or Doug's to watch a game and share pizza and beer.  He had always wanted to go, he had never truly felt comfortable around Doug.  It wasn't that he didn't like Doug, he did.  He just never felt comfortable around him.  But, Doug wasn't around any longer, so there was no longer a reason to say no to Mark's invitation.

The door swung open and Mark grinned at him.  "I was beginning to think that you weren't going to show up."  He stood to the side.  "Come on in.  I ordered a pizza with everything but anchovies, that okay with you?"

Carter stepped into the apartment, nodding.  "That's fine."

Mark shut the door, then walked past Carter to the kitchen.  He was somewhat disappointed to see that Carter had worn slacks and not tight jeans.  He had been looking forward to seeing him in jeans again.  "Beer?"


Mark tossed a can to Carter, who caught it, opened it and sat down on the couch in one fluid motion.

"The pizza should be here in about ten minutes," Mark informed him as he sat down at the other end of the couch, grabbing the remote to click on the t.v. and find the game.

"I spoke to Roger earlier," Carter carefully said.

"Really?  Then he told you to be here tomorrow night?"

Carter nodded.  "Yeah.  He told me that you booked J.T. for two nights this week and two nights next week."

"That's right.  Roger said that you..."


"Roger said that J.T. had tonight off."  Mark took a sip of beer, feeling nervous.  He wanted to sit next to Carter, feel their legs touching.  Be able to put his arm around his shoulders and hold him next to his body.  But, he figured he should take things a Hell of a lot slower than that.  It still bothered him that Carter was working as a male prostitute.  The reason that he had given him last night bothered him just as much.  He just didn't picture Carter as the type of person who went around wanting to have sex with strangers, male or female.  He just wasn't the slutty type.  An image of his friend Doug flashed through his mind and Mark mentally berated himself for that.  Doug had not behaved that way for a long time, although he had certainly done his fair share of tomcatting.  He wondered what Doug would think of this situation.  Would he be horrified that Mark had engaged in sex with another man?  Amused that Mark had hired a male prostitute to do the job?  Aghast that the male prostitute was John Carter?  Probably a mix of all those emotions, Mark thought.

"You okay?  You're awfully quiet," Carter said, looking over at him with concern in his eyes.

"I'm fine.  I was just thinking about how nice it would be to have Doug here, too."

"I'm sure Carol would agree with that.  I just don't understand why he didn't come back once she told him she was pregnant."

"She told him not to come here.  Then she was surprised that he followed her wishes."  Mark sighed.  "I'm not sure that Carol really knows what she wants right now, Carter.  I just wish there was some way to get Doug back here, even for a day or two.  They need to talk face to face and not over the telephone because she sent him a fax telling him about his impending fatherhood."

"Does he know that he's going to be a father of twins?"

"I don't think so.  When Carol sent him the fax, she didn't know, so unless they've talked since then, he doesn't know."

"That's not right," Carter shook his head.

"I agree, but what can I do?  I promised Carol that I would stay out of things."

"Sometimes, breaking a promise can be the right thing to do."

"Sometimes.  But, not this time.  At least, not yet."

The doorbell rang and Mark grabbed his checkbook and went to answer it.  Soon, the two of them were eating pizza, drinking beer and having a pretty good time watching the Cubs beat the Dodgers. 

All too soon though, the game was over.  Carter helped Mark clean up, then offered to pay for the pizza.

"Keep your money.  I invited you over, so it's my treat."

"Are you sure?"

Mark nodded.  "I'm sure.  Next time, you can pay for the pizza."

Carter laughed.  "You've got a deal then.  Well, it's getting late and I should be heading home.  I don't want to get stuck in a closed El station."

"You could stay, you know."  Mark tried to say this as casually as possible, hoping it didn't sound like a plea.

Carter remained quiet, lost in thought.  He could stay, but on what terms?  As what person?  He knew the invitation wasn't to crash on the couch -- it was to share Mark's bed -- but did Mark want J.T. or him?  He had told himself from the beginning that J.T. was an entirely separate persona, but that line was starting to blur, and it scared him.  He didn't sleep with men.  J.T. did.  Mark had never acted attracted to him before meeting J.T., so the answer was obvious: He didn't want John Carter.

That made Carter's choice easier.  "Kerry...she's expecting me home tonight.  I'd better be going."

"But, you'll be here tomorrow night, right?"  Mark tried to hide his disappointment, but knew he had their next appointment to look forward to.

"J.T. will.  That's who you really want, anyway." 

No it isn't, Mark thought.  No, it isn't.  But, even as he walked Carter to the door and closed it behind him, he couldn't bring himself to say those words.  Would they have made a difference anyway?

The next evening, Carter was only slightly surprised to see Mark's home address on the piece of paper that Roger gave him.  Even though Mark had asked if he would be there tonight, he had not really thought that Mark would want him at his apartment.  He had half expected Mark to want to meet at a hotel again.

"What's your regular work schedule like for tomorrow?" Roger asked him.

"I'm off all day," he replied.  "Why?"

"Well, Mark has you tied up for four hours this evening, from six to ten.  Would you be willing to take another job after that?"

Carter found himself nodding.  Since he had the next day off, he could sleep in with no problem.

"Okay.  I'll keep your name available for a later assignment.  If you can't be back here by ten thirty, then call me."

"I will." 

He was almost to the door when Roger called out to him.  "J.T.?  Be careful, all right?"

"I'm always careful, Roger.  You know that."

"Yeah.  But, it doesn't hurt to keep it in mind now, does it?  Get out of here before you're late.  I don't want to have to give out a refund because I kept you here talking."

"Later, boss."

Roger watched him leave, a worried look on his face.  There had been something -- desperate, yeah, that was the word, something desperate in the tone of Mark's voice when he had made all those bookings for J.T.  Roger didn't trust desperate.  Desperate sounding tricks meant one of two things -- danger for his employee or losing his employee because the trick and he had fallen in love with each other.  As much as he hated to lose employees, especially good employees, Roger hoped that with J.T., it was the latter and not the former.

When Carter arrived at Mark's apartment, he found that Mark had already ordered in Chinese and had set it out on the table.

"Have a seat," Mark indicated that Carter should sit across the table from him, which he did.

"I'm glad I didn't stop to eat earlier," Carter commented as he eyed the spread.  Mark had ordered a lot.

"I knew you had a big appetite, so I figured I was safe, even if you had eaten earlier," Mark couldn't keep the grin off of his face as he said that.  Already his mind was racing ahead to what would happen after they had eaten dinner.

"So, you wanted me here for four hours just so we could eat all this?"

Mark slowly smiled, "No.  I wanted you here for four hours so we could eat this, then have fantastic sex for three hours and forty-five minutes."

"You expect me to eat that fast?" Carter asked with a laugh.

"I intend to."

"All of this?" Carter indicated the entire table.

"Eventually.  Did you ever play with your food when you were a kid, Carter?"

Carter opened his mouth to correct him, but Mark cut him off, "Sorry.  J.T.  Well, did you?"

"We weren't allowed to play with our food."

"When my Dad was home, I wasn't either.  But, when Dad was out to sea, Mom would be lenient with me.  I guess she felt bad because it was just the two of us.  So, she let me get creative with my food.  I used to be able to make these really neat mashed potato castles.  The gravy was in the moat and I would put my peas in the middle of the castle."

"And you made this with your hands?"  Carter laughed.

Mark shook his head.  "Mom wasn't that lenient.  I had to use my spoon and knife."

Carter thought he saw a hint of sadness in Mark's eyes, then he remembered that Mark's mother was not doing any better than she had when she was in the hospital over a year ago.

"Is she any better?"

Mark looked at him intently, then silently shook his head.  But, he didn't mention his mother again.

"Gamma was very strict about table manners," Carter said.

"What about your Mom?  Sorry, what about Carter's Mom?" Mark asked with a wry smile.

Carter smiled back.  "We ate with Gamma more than we ate with Mom and Dad."

"Oh.  Better eat up, we've lost two minutes of eating time here.  Damn!  I didn't offer you anything to drink.  What would you like?"

Carter was tempted to use a line that he always used with one of his repeat customers -- "I don't want anything to drink but you" -- but he didn't.  Even though this time, he would be meaning it.  "Beer is good."

"One beer coming up."

Mark brought two beers back to the table and handed one to Carter.  As he sat down to eat, he kept an eye on Carter.  He liked watching him eat.  He had decided that last night when they were having the pizza.  For some reason, he still couldn't get the image of Carter as a cat out of his mind.  Lean and hungry.  And the things that tongue could do to a person.

When Carter had arrived, Mark had wanted nothing more than to pull him straight back to his bedroom -- to the bed that Carter had refused last night.  Make him stay there this time.  But, being a realistic man, he didn't see how he could manage to fill four hours with nothing but sex, and he knew that he wouldn't be able to get Carter to stay.  Or could he?  It wouldn't hurt to ask him to stay would it?  He knew that Carter had tomorrow off, so he didn't need to worry about work.  And Mark also knew that as an Attending, he could be late.  The idea of waking up in the morning with his legs and arms wrapped around Carter's body gave him a thrill.  He wanted that.  A lot. 

But, first things first.  And the first thing was to get done with supper by a certain time, then select those food items that were going into the bedroom with them.  And the chopsticks.  Definitely the chopsticks.  He had a set of them that his Dad had brought back from Japan.  They were made of Jade, smooth and gently tapered.  Mark had examined them closely and knew he could safely use them without damaging Carter.  All he had to do was figure out a way to convince Carter to allow him the chance to try.

As he was eating, Carter was acutely aware that Mark was watching him.  The look in the man's eyes was that of a starving man, but since he was eating, Carter figured that it wasn't food that Mark was starving for.

"Did you try one of these dumplings yet?"

Carter looked up to see Mark holding a dumpling out to him.  He smiled as he saw that Mark had speared it with one of the chopsticks.  "I don't think that's how you're supposed to use chopsticks, Mark."

Mark shrugged.  "It works for me.  Try it."

Carter reached out to grab it off of the chopstick, but Mark jerked it back, shaking his head.  "Nope.  Open your mouth."

Carter dropped his hand to his lap, then leaned forward, opening his mouth.  Mark carefully placed the dumpling inside, then Carter closed his mouth around the chopstick, keeping his eyes on Mark's the entire time.  Mark slowly withdrew the chopstick, then set it down.

"I think that our time for eating dinner is up.  It's now time to move onto something else.  Take off your clothes for me." Mark huskily ordered.

Carter finished chewing the dumpling, then he swallowed and followed it with a sip of beer.  He got to his feet and took off his clothes.  At Mark's gesture, he walked over to stand by him.  He was already hard for Mark, just as he had been their first time together.  And just like then, he was scared about it.  This never happened to him with other customers.  As Mark reached an arm around his waist and pulled him closer, Carter closed his eyes.  It felt so good to be in Mark's arms.  So very right.  He quickly chased those thoughts away though and reminded himself why he was there.  Why J.T. was there, he amended.

Mark's desire for Carter had increased the minute that Carter had removed his pants and he had seen his erection.  Carter wanted him.  At least, he hoped that he wanted him.  Maybe he was hard for all of his customers.  As Mark slowly moved his lips across the bottom of Carter's chest, marking the ribs with his tongue, he wondered about that.  He had treated many prostitutes over the years -- most of them female.  He even had a former one as a friend.  Loretta Sweet was now working a "normal" job and enjoying life with her two children.  Her cancer beaten, she had a zest for life and a strong desire to be the best mother possible for her children.  While Loretta had been in the hospital, Mark had watched her children and he had grown close to them both.  He had a play date with them twice a month -- something that involved just him and the children.  He would be seeing the kids this upcoming weekend, and he wondered if he would have enough nerve to ask Loretta some questions, out of the hearing range of the children, of course, about prostitution.  Maybe she had known some male prostitutes.  He still had no idea why Carter wouldn't allow him to kiss him the other night.  Carter certainly had no problem with Mark kissing his chest -- or his belly -- or his lean hips.  And he had no problem at all with Mark putting his lips over his cock just like this.  From what Mark could tell, Carter seemed to enjoy it when Mark ran his tongue up and down the shaft this way.  Mark now had both arms around Carter, and he could feel the tension in the other man's body as he used his mouth on him, licking and sucking until he was squirming in his embrace.

"Mark?  I'm going to come, Mark.  Stop."

Mark shook his head, keeping his mouth where he needed it to be.

"It's not safe, Mark.  Stop long enough to get a condom.  Please?"

That got through to Mark, and he reluctantly pulled off of Carter.  He looked up into Carter's face, noting the flushed skin and the eyes dark with desire.  His lips were full from desire and Mark wanted nothing more than to kiss them.  But, that type of kissing wasn't allowed.

"Stay right where you are," Mark commanded as he stood and hurried to the bedroom to get some condoms.  He had planned to have everything happen in the bedroom, but he was a flexible man and knew that plans could be changed.  He returned to his seat and quickly placed the condom on Carter's cock.  Then he slowly pulled his cock into his mouth.  He wanted to hear Carter say "Please" again, but this time he wanted to hear him say it with a lot more passion and feeling.  Wanted him to say "Please, Mark.  Make me come.  Please?"  So, Mark let his senses take over until he was attuned to Carter's body.  Until he could tell from the way his breathing changed that his orgasm was nearing.  And then he eased up, going from Carter's cock to his balls to gently suck there while his hands slowly caressed those smooth hips.  As soon as Carter's body had readjusted, Mark renewed his assault on his cock -- he lightly nipped at the ridge around the head, then swirled his tongue around the entire tip before once more taking all of it into his mouth.

Carter closed his eyes as he let Mark play with his body.  Every time he thought he was close to coming, Mark would let go of him, letting him cool off before resuming.  And it was driving him crazy with desire and need.  He needed to come.  His knees weak, he reached out to put his hands on Mark's shoulders, looking for him to keep him steady and on his feet.

Once more, he felt his orgasm near and he whimpered as he felt Mark's mouth begin to leave his cock.  "No.  Please, Mark," he whimpered.

"Please what?" Mark asked.  He could see that Carter was in need of release and he loved the way he looked.  He could probably get away with kissing him right now, he thought.  Carter would never be able to push him away.  "Tell me what you want."

"Make me come.  Please, Mark?  Please?" he begged.  He had been made to beg by other customers, but with Mark, there was no sense of being made.  He needed it this time like he had never needed it before.

"All you had to do was ask, Carter," Mark said.  As he lowered his head again, he heard Carter whisper, "J.T."  Damn!  Even in the throes of passion, he wouldn't let go of that.  Mark attacked his cock with a vengeance, intent on making him come quickly and hard.  One hand strayed to Carter's inner thigh, and from there one finger found his puckered opening.  His mouth intent on bringing Carter to release, his finger became just as intent on breaching that opening.  Lubrication.  He needed lubrication, he thought and his hand blindly groped the table until his fingers found the sweet and sour sauce.  Thick and sticky, it would do.  His fingers returned to that virgin area and Mark slowly circled it with one finger, then spread the make shift lubricant over it.  He could hear Carter moan above him, could feel his balls begin to contract.  He would be coming soon, he thought.  Knowing he was running out of time, Mark slowly stuck his finger into that opening.  Carter's sphincter muscle clamped down on it, trapping it inside.  Oh, God, he was so tight.  So wonderfully tight.  And hot.  Carter whimpered as Mark began to move his finger in even further, going straight for the prostate.  It was good to be a doctor, he thought, because he knew just where to find that pleasure center.  He slowly pressed on it, then rubbed it with the pad of his finger.  Above him, Carter cried out loud, then the cock in his mouth jerked and Mark could feel the condom become flooded with semen as Carter's body convulsed.  Once, twice, three times his cock spasmed, sending semen spewing out.  And Mark could feel it with his finger buried deep inside of him.  He could feel the exertions of his prostate as it worked to send
that semen outward.

Carter hadn't realized that his body had been moved at all, until he felt the edge of the table against his ass.  Relieved to have something to support his body, he leaned against the table, his hands still in a death grip on Mark's shoulders.  Mark's mouth left his now flaccid cock and he used one hand to remove the condom.  Carter watched him, feeling strangely detached from the scene.  He knew there was something he was missing here -- then it hit him, Mark was only using one hand.  Why?  Oh, dear God in Heaven, he moaned as a white hot bolt of pleasure arched through his body.  He looked down at Mark, then realized that Mark had a finger up inside of him.  Even more weak-kneed than before, he found himself offering a token protest.

"I don't let men fuck me."

"I'm not fucking you -- J.T.  But, you never said I couldn't use my fingers.  Or this."

Something else moved within him.  It was cool and smooth and as it rubbed against his prostate, Carter felt his bones turn to jelly.  Desire formed tiny swirls of light within his brain and Carter was oblivious to all else.  And then, it ended.  He opened his eyes in time to see Mark walking away toward the bedroom.  Mark paused in the middle of the kitchenette, then turned to look back at him.

"I think it's time for you to suck my cock, J.T."  He held out his hand, waiting.

Carter blinked, then took a few deep breaths to calm himself.  Hoping that his legs would carry him, he walked over to Mark, letting him lead him by the hand into the bedroom.  And then he was once more in the position of being the one who knew what he was doing.  He would undress Mark, he would rim Mark, he would suck Mark's cock and bring him off.  And he knew that before the four hours was up, he would be fucking Mark. And yet, he found himself hoping that before those four hours were up that Mark would once more want to use his fingers on him.  The effect the man had on him was nearly hypnotic, and it was becoming more difficult to remind himself that he was J.T., doing this for profit, doing this for punishment, doing this for...why the hell was he doing this?  In Mark's case, Carter decided, he was doing this for pleasure.

It was with difficulty that he eventually forced himself from Mark's bed.  He told himself as he dressed that the four hours were up, that he had another customer, that this had just been a business transaction, pure and simple.  Somehow, though, he realized he was kidding himself.  Looking at Mark's sated, sleeping body, he felt almost giddy with pleasure.  Usually after being with a customer, J.T. felt used, empty, dirty even.  That was why it was so necessary to have the alternate persona.  Carter could literally leave J.T. behind when he took off the sleazy clothes, when he washed the scent of another man off his skin.  This time, he didn't want to do that.

He pulled the paper from his pocket and stared at it for awhile.  Another customer, another man -- one who would obscure the taste of Mark on his tongue, one who would make him feel numb again.  This time, J.T. -- Carter -- didn't want to feel numb.  He picked up the phone in Mark's living room and dialed Roger, unsure of what he'd say, what flimsy excuse he could come up with for canceling the next appointment.  Somehow he got through it.  Roger was annoyed, sure, but there were plenty of others to take J.T.'s place.

Carter smiled as he hung up the phone.  Roger had extracted assurances from him that he wasn't hurt, that the customer hadn't given him any trouble.  The man was almost like a mother hen, but Carter was grateful for that safety net.  As he left Mark's apartment, he paused for a moment, tempted to go back, to stay.  But, Mark didn't ask him to stay, did he?  That tinged Carter's elation with a moment of sadness, but he forced the negative thought from his head.  Maybe next time.  Maybe Mark would ask him next time.  

Somehow, Carter found his way home.  He couldn't remember the El ride, but there must have been one.  His mind still buzzed from the evening, still so full of what had happened with Mark.  Mark so preoccupied his thoughts that it was almost a physical shock to walk in at home and not find him there.  Instead, Kerry was in the kitchen on one of her late-night baking kicks, this time making brownies.

She looked at him, her eyes wide as she took in his appearance.  She had never seen him wearing jeans and a T-shirt before, but with a smile to herself, she had to admit that he looked darned good in them.

"Did you have a good time?" she asked, knowing that from the look in his eyes that he had enjoyed himself immensely.  She suspected that some lucky woman was the reason why his smile was so bright.  Then it hit her that it had been long while since she had seen
that type of smile on him.

He nodded.  "Yeah, I had a really good time."

"And where did you go?"

"To Mark's," he absently replied as he reached into the refrigerator for the milk.

"Mark Greene's?"

He nodded.  "Yep."

"Weren't you over at his place last night?"

Suddenly he became aware of her intense scrutiny and he mentally kicked himself for being so caught up in his feelings that he told Kerry where he was.  And had neglected to change clothes before returning home.

"We were watching a Cubs game last night.  Tonight we were playing poker.  I won.  Good night, Kerry."  He hurried downstairs with his glass of milk, wanting to get out of her line of sight.  His reaction to being with Mark was disturbing, to say the least.  He would have to make sure that the next time they were together, he made sure that he didn't lose control of himself or let Mark get past his guard.

But, as he laid back on his bed, he couldn't help but remember the way it had felt to have Mark make love to him.  Sure, he hadn't let Mark fuck him, but Mark hadn't asked to do that.  A little voice in the back of his head told him that it was a good thing, too.  Because if Mark had asked, he -- Carter, J.T., it didn't matter -- would have been so very tempted to tell him yes.

Chapter Three

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